On Saturday morning I went to Empuriabrava to buy some jeans for my sister and in the afternoon I saw the film “El niño del pijama de rayas”. At night I went with my friends to the JR’s bar for eat something and after we went to Fata to see Cabano, an actor of “Física o Química”.
On Sunday morning I went to the mass because was the Palm Sunday and after the mass I went to eat with my family.In the afternoon I slept a little and after I went to a rehearse to do an Easter show called “Representació del Retaule”.
On Monday I didn’t do anything I only went to French class.

On Tuesday I went to Figueres to buy something for me and in the afternoon I went to “esbart” and after I went to the “Representació del Retaule” to rehearse.
On Wednesday I didn’t do anything but at night I went to the dress rehearsed for the “Representació del Retaule” because on Thursday we performed for the first time.
On Thursday morning I did some homework and at night I and my friends performed for the first time the “Representació del Retaule”. The show was a success.
On Friday I had a stressing day. I woke up late and I cooked something for lunch. After I went to the church to do two shows and after the shows the “Viacrucis”, the way of the cross. After the “viacrucis” my friends and I went to Sikim to drink something.
On Saturday I woke up late and I went to find a job, after I went to help with the “Pasqua Jove”, I spent all the day in the village.
On Sunday I woke up late and I went to eat with my family because it was the “mona” day. We ate a lot of chocolate. In the afternoon we did the last show. After my friends and I went to the Capitan’s Cabin to drink something.

On Monday it was the “ La festa dels vells” and I woke up early and I and my sister went to the mass with my grandparents. After we went to lunch and my friends of the “esbart” and I danced for the old people. Then I returned to my house and I finished my homework and I watched to TV.
It was a stressing day but a very good holiday.
Now , it is the last term of first of batxillerat and I have to work hard to get the maximum marks.
1 comentari:
I didn't participated this year because I prefer work a lot in easter holidays.
But it is a very good experience! ^^
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