dilluns, 9 de març del 2009

Recerch project

Last Thursday I handed in the paper of teh subject of my recerch project.

I'll study the relations of the brothers and sisters, twins and identical twins and comparate their attitudes.

First I will write about what the brothers and sisters, the twins and identical twins are like to know something about my subject that I'll work on for a year.

After I will do a survey with a lot of people to know the relationship that they have with their brothers and sisters.

After I know the relationships I'll compare them depending on the age and if they are brothers and sisters, identical twins or twins.

I hope that they accept my project!

1 comentari:

Vito Andolini Corleone ha dit...

I think that it's an interesting research project, and with Jaume you'll laugh a lot.

Good luck :)!

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Hi!My name is Laura and I'm 16 years old.My birthday is on 21st November. I like dancing and listening to music.