dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2009

The Carnival*

I like carnival a lot. I like to see the people wearing fancy dress and dressing up.

This year I will go as a tennis player with eighty people more or less.

Today is Roses's carnival but I will not go because tomorrow I will go to Sant Hilari with Clàudia to see my friends and to celebrate carnvial.

Next week, is Castelló's carnival.

On Friday we will go to Empuriabrava to have dinner in Cèlia's house and after we will do the street procession and we will go to the "Saloon".

On Saturday afternoon I will go to see the childrens street procession because my sister will be in it.

On Saturday night we will have dinner in my house and after we will do the street procession too. After we will go to the dance.

On Sunday we will go to Empuriabrava again and after we will go to the popular lunch.

I want it to be carnival now!

I do beLieVe in faiRieS*

I do beLieVe in faiRieS*

The blog entrances*

My portfolio*


La meva foto
Hi!My name is Laura and I'm 16 years old.My birthday is on 21st November. I like dancing and listening to music.