Last weekend was a very complete weekend and a very good weekend.
It started on Friday night when I and some of my friends went to the carnaval meeting to decided anything because we didn't agree. Then we talked a little and after I went for my friend Alba because she came to sleep in my house. It was a long time since we saw each other and for this reason we talked for a long time. She told me what happened during this time in her life and so did I.
Saturday morning Alba, Clàudia, Cristina, Maria, Anna and me went skiing to Font Romeu. We had a good time and when we were in the point of leaving the bus wouldn't start. We stayed in the snow an hour longer.
When we arrived in Castelló we went to our house to have a shower and to dress and make up and we went to Judit's house to have dinner. We ate very well and after we went to a bar and to a Sant Pere's party. It was a very good party and we left Sant Pere at 4 p.m.
On Sunday, I woke up at eleven o'clock and I went to listen to a choir concert with Cristina. After we went to have dinner and we met Alba. It was a funny lunch and a very good lunch. All the afternoon I stayed on the sofa.
It was a very good weekend and I think that this weekend will be better because we will go to FATA and on Sunday I and my family will go to have lunch to celebrate my aunt's birthday.

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