dissabte, 24 de gener del 2009

Fast Food*

Nowadays most young people like fast food. For example hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas, chips, etc. However I prefer good, traditional food.

Fast food is okay occasionally but not all the time.

In Catalonia we have a lot of different food to offer. There is plenty of fresh meat and fish, fruit and vegetables. Some typical Catalan dishes are " escudella and carn d'olla", bread with tomato, beans and sausage and other things.

My grandmother is a very good cook and she makes a very good "arrós a la cassola".

I think we are very fortunate to live in a mediterranean country because the mediterranean diet is very healthy. Other countries eat a lot of fast food especially the U.S.A and Great Britain, but really think that in general people appreciate good food.



I do beLieVe in faiRieS*

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Hi!My name is Laura and I'm 16 years old.My birthday is on 21st November. I like dancing and listening to music.