dissabte, 22 de novembre del 2008

Good moring!

Next Friday I can't go to my afternoon activites because I and the Gegants group will go to Olot to visit Things, it is a little trip.

We will go all the weekend and on Saturday night we will play game where we will take an old abject and we will give this to a person whose name is on a paper.

First the trip was on the 21st November but now it is on the 28th November.

I'm angry with my parents because on the after Monday I have a philosophy exam and I won't be able to go on the trips because I'll have to study and they said me: "Laura you will come and If you have to study you rest in the house!"

I think that it will be a very boring and stressing weekend.

1 comentari:

Cèlia Garcia Moreno ha dit...

My blonde girl =]
I've already seen your blog... so nice! ^^
well, see you tomorrow
and I hope that you are studing hard!

kiss darling*

I do beLieVe in faiRieS*

I do beLieVe in faiRieS*

The blog entrances*

My portfolio*


La meva foto
Hi!My name is Laura and I'm 16 years old.My birthday is on 21st November. I like dancing and listening to music.